[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]

Regional and International Relations

Canada-Saudi arms deal has `significant risk` Megan O’Toole reports on concerns over the Canadian government’s willingness to provide weapons to the repressive Saudi regime.

Resolving the Gulf crisis Mansour Almarzoqi Albogami argues that the Gulf states need to “institutionalise their foreign policy” in order to resolve the ongoing crisis.

Gulf states agree deal to end Qatar tensions A news report on a deal that ended the row between Qatar and other Gulf states over the Muslim Brotherhood.

Jordan, Morocco and an Expanded GCC Curtis Ryan analyzes a recent report on the Gulf Cooperation Council’s possible expansion plan to include Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco as members.

US Navy reiterates commitment to Bahrain, region Habib Toumi writes on the deputy commander of US Naval Forces Central Command, who reiterated the US government’s support for the Bahraini regime.

Kuwait parliament to debate GCC security pact on April 29 Kuwaiti lawmakers will review the proposed security agreement among the Gulf Cooperation Council states next week.

Australian and New Zealander killed in drone attacks in Yemen Two foreign nationals linked to al-Qa‘ida were killed in a drone strike in Yemen last November.

Reports and Opinions

Saudi Arabia replaces intelligence chief A royal decree relieves Prince Bandar from his position as intelligence chief “at his own request.”

End of an era as Prince Bandar departs Saudi intelligence post Ian Black argues that Prince Bandar’s exit could indicate a shift in Saudi policy towards Syria.

Saudi royal decree terminates Prince Bandar’s political career An analysis of rumors and speculations preceding the royal decree relieving Prince Bandar from his position.

How ‘peasant prince’ worked his way up Layelle Saad examines Prince Bandar’s political career.

Saudis lead Middle East military spending Saudi Arabia has the fourth largest military budget in the world according the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Saudi Arabia jails 13 for security offences A Saudi court jails thirteen men for up to ten years on charges of financing fighters abroad and conspiring inside the kingdom.

Saudi authorities detain activist after court appearance: wife Rania El Gamal reports on Waleed Abu al-Khair, a rights lawyer and activist, who was detained incommunicado after he appeared in court to hear sedition charges against him.

Saudi conservatives protest against Westernization Saudi conservatives staged a protest outside the Royal Court in Riyadh to condemn “Westernizing” reforms.

Saudi Arabia sentences five to death for 2003 attacks: SPA A Saudi court sentences five men to death for their involvement in a suicide attack on expatriate residential compounds in Riyadh in 2003.

Saudi beheaded for killing man with machinegun A Saudi man convicted of shooting a man is beheaded, bringing the number of people beheaded in the kingdom this year to thirteen.

Kuwait says coup-plot clip `tampered with` The prime minister told legislators that the videotape allegedly showing former officials planning a coup was “tampered with,” causing further controversy.

Kuwait`s opposition: A reawakening An Economist article on the Kuwaiti opposition’s powerful comeback, with a new website and demands for parliamentary democracy.

Repression in Bahrain

Two killed in Bahrain car blast Two people are killed in a blast in the village of al-Maqshaa’.

Bahraini man dies two months after being shot by police: family Abdul-Aziz al-Abbar died of shotgun pellet wounds he sustained during clashes with the police at a funeral procession two months ago.

`Terrorists` firebomb Bahrain police car Molotov cocktails leave a vehicle burned in a neighborhood in Manama.

Bahrain court jails 11 over police attack A Bahraini court sentences eleven protesters to five years in prison for attacking a police patrol near Manama last year.

Crisis in Yemen

Yemen boosts troops in Houthi stronghold The Yemeni military sent more troops to Amran following days of clashes between the army and the Houthi fighters.

Third suspected US drone strike kills `several` al-Qaida militants A news report on the latest drone strike in Yemen, which took place on Monday in the province of Shabwa.

Al-Qaida militants killed in second Yemen airstrike in two days Thirty suspected al-Qa‘ida members were killed on Sunday in airstrikes in southern Yemen.

Air strike kills 10 al Qaeda militants, three civilians in Yemen: Saba A news report on an air strike on Saturday that left ten suspected al-Qa‘ida members dead in al-Bayda.

Yemen`s foreign minister says will push donors for promised billions in aid Mohamed Ghobari writes on the Yemeni foreign minister’s intention to push donors to release funds promised to Yemen during his visit to London this month.

Al Qaida militants kill deputy governor in Yemen province Al-Qa‘ida militants assassinated Hussain Dayan, the deputy governor of al-Bayda.

124 children taken hostage in Yemen last year Saeed Al Batati writes on the number of children kidnapped in Yemen last year, based on a report issued by Seyaj Organization for Childhood Protection.

Migrant Workers

Saudi Arabia imposes fines, jail terms for visa lapses In an attempt to encourage local employment, Saudi authorities will punish people who illegally employ foreign workers.

Lebanese in Qatar no longer threatened with deportation Amal al-Khalil examines the implications of Qatari-Iranian rapprochement for Lebanese nationals working in the Gulf state.

Oman extends curbs on foreign workers in construction, housekeeping The Omani authorities decide to extend the restriction on the hiring of foreign workers in construction and housekeeping to allocate more jobs for citizens.

Saudi Arabia mulls helpline for domestic workers The Saudi regime considers the launch of a hotline that domestic workers can use to file complaints. 


Kuwait papers closed for violating ‘plot’ blackout A judge orders the temporary closure of al-Watan and Alam al-Yawm for publishing details of a videotape showing former officials plotting to overthrow the regime.

Citizenship and Statelessness

Kuwaiti MP wants protesting stateless sent to desert camp A Kuwait lawmaker urges the authorities to send Bedoon protesters to a camp built in the desert.

Children born to expats who married Saudi mothers get ‘equal rights’ Children born to Saudi women married to foreigners will be treated as Saudis for work, education, and medical purposes.

Human Rights

Saudi Arabia: Free Prominent Rights Activist Human Rights Watch condemns the arrest of Waleed Abu al-Khair, the human rights lawyer and activist, upon his appearance in court. 

Saudi Arabia: Human rights defender Fadhel Al-Manasef sentenced to 15 years in prison, 15- year travel ban and fine The Gulf Center for Human Rights deplores the jail sentence of the activist for participating in protests and publishing articles critical of the regime.

Excessive Use of Force Leads to the Death of a Bahraini Citizen The Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights expresses concern over the death Abdul-Aziz al-Abbar, who sustained shotgun pellet wounds during clashes with the police at a funeral procession two months ago.

Bahrain: Political Leader Hasan Mushaima Denied Adequate Medical Care The Bahrain Center for Human Rights reports on the ill-treatment of the imprisoned political prisoner, who is denied urgent medical care.


Seven Questions for Ammar Basha Sheila Carapico talks to the Yemeni filmmaker about his film Breaking the Silence, which focuses on discrimination faced by working women of African descent in Yemen.


ليبرمان: نجري محادثات مع الكويت والسعودية
The Israeli foreign minister reveals that Israel is conducting secret negotiations with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. 

"مجلس التعاون" يطوي صفحة الخلافات
A news report on a deal that ended the rift between Qatar and other Gulf states over the Muslim Brotherhood. 

قطر تتراجع.. و”مرشدها الاعلى” ابتلع “كأس السم” السعودي مكرها.. و”الجزيرة” تتغير وتعود للملف السوري بعد اتفاق الرياض.. والحلف القطري التركي الاخواني امام مأزق خطير
Abd al-Bari Atwan celebrates the defeat of Qatar at the hands of Saudi Arabia and the crisis facing the Qatari-Turkish alliance. 

في خلفية الصراع الخليجي
Hussein Ghabbash analyzes the disagreements among members of the Gulf Cooperation Council. 

تسوية خليجية لإنهاء الخلاف مع قطر
An article on a compromise between Qatar and the other Gulf states to resolve the differences among the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council. 

قطر تترقّب عودة سفراء السعودية والإمارات والبحرين
Qatar is expecting the return of the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates to Doha. 

ابعاد المئات من السوريين واللبنانيين بصمت
Saudi activists assert that the Saudi regime has arrested and deported hundreds of Lebanese and Syrian nationals who are active on Twitter and Facebook. 

السعودية: سجن 13 شخصاً لدعمهم مقاتلين في الخارج
A Saudi court jails thirteen men for up to ten years on charges of financing fighters abroad and conspiring inside the kingdom. 

الخزاعي للفيصل: اضبطوا حدودكم
An adviser to the Iraqi prime minister urges Saudi Arabia to control its borders with Iraq in a reply to the Saudi foreign minister`s statement that Iraq`s problems are internal. 

بندر خارج الخدمة... نهائياً
A royal decree relieves Prince Bandar from his position as an intelligence chief “at his own request.” 

سياقات بندر بن سلطان: انطواء صفحة أم استراحة محارب؟
Soubhi Hadidi analyzes Prince Bandar`s political future and the prospects of a comeback. 

البحرين: السلطة تمنع الحديث عن التعذيب في السجون!
The Bahraini minister of interior asserts that anyone who talks about torture in Bahraini prisons without giving proof will be tried. 

دعوات إلى استبدال علم البحرين!
A news reports on calls to change the Bahraini flag. 

اليمن بين مطرقة ‘القاعدة’ وسندان الحوثيين
An editorial on security instability in Yemen in light of the increasing power of al-Qa‘ida  and the Houthi fighters. 

ثورة جياع في اليمن السعيد؟
Jamal Jubran examines economic hardships, corruption, and soaring prices in Yemen before and after the 2011 uprising. 

اليمن: بقايا نظام صالح يدفعون باتجاه التصعيد وخلق أزمة بين هادي والأحمر لافشال المرحلة الانتقالية
Khalid al-Hamadi writes on the role of the former Yemeni president`s loyalists in aggravating the crisis between the Yemeni president and his military adviser. 

اليمن: قيادي في حزب الاصلاح يتهم جماعة الحوثي بافتعال الحروب
A member of the Yemeni Congregation for Reform, the main opposition party in the country, accuses the Houthis of instigating war in order to control weak areas and undermine the outcomes of the national dialogue. 

اليمن: ارتفاع نسبة الجرائم الجنسية وخطف الأطفال
Khalid al-Hamadi argues that sex crimes and the kidnapping of children are on the rise in Yemen.  

اليمن: اغتيال نائب محافظة البيضاء وسط ارتفاع نسبة الاغتيالات الى مستوى مخيف
Al-Qa‘ida militants assassinated Hussain Dayan, the deputy governor of al-Bayda. 

الكويت: الشيخ أحمد الفهد يؤكد أنه تم تضليل الشعب حول حقيقة مقاطع ‘شريط الفتنة’
A news report on the uproar in Kuwait over public statements made by the speaker of the National Assembly on a videotape showing former senior officials plotting to overthrow the regime. 

رئيس الوزراء الكويتي: أشرطة «المؤامرة» مزيفة
The Kuwaiti prime minister told legislators that the videotape allegedly showing former officials planning a coup was “tampered with,” causing further controversy. 

مطالب بتحقيقات حول أموال صرفها رئيس مجلس الأمة الكويتي لنواب
The Kuwaiti National Assembly convenes to discuss reports concerning money paid to some of its members by the prime minister.